Seller success on Amazon 


We help a variety of sellers achieve their e-commerce goals on marketplaces. Some brands are just starting out online and others are looking for ways to improve. In 2019, we began a full-service project with STOX Energy Socks that started with a launch on Amazon and then 

STOX offers high performance compression socks with a sense of style and comfort. The socks are designed to prevent injuries, reduce muscle pain, prevent cramps and provide better endurance. They have different designs specifically for sports, travel or everyday use, and everything is made 100 percent in Italy.  

It is our mission to support everyone and help them feel fit and vital. In this way we empower men and women in their everyday performance!” says Wouter de Keizer, CEO of STOX Energy Socks.  

Founded in 2015, STOX has accumulated more than 300,000 customers. With an extensive marketing program and collaboration efforts involving various product ambassadors like Ruud Gullit, Erben Wennemars, Primož Roglič, Robin Haase, Ronald de Boer and Marianne Vos, they have become a market leader in the Netherlands and a prominent player in Belgium, Germany and the UK.

A fast-growing brand, STOX saw an opportunity to expand their sales strategy by including online marketplaces. 


$3.23 trillion was spent globally on the top 100 online marketplaces in 2021


We helped STOX develop their Amazon account and launch in Germany, France, the Netherlands, Italy, UK and the US. From inventory management to activating promotions to advertising, we oversee the full range of their marketplace needs and ensure that they are compliant with all of the ever-changing policies and requirements. In addition, we manage STOX’s account on, selling in Belgium and the Netherlands. 


Each month around 197 million people around the globe go on Amazon 


Adding the additional territories on Amazon allowed STOX to have a more prominent position in each of the countries, which resulted in consistent and newly generated revenue.

Selling on marketplaces is still in the beginning phases, so having the specific knowledge to manage online sales on these growing platforms is a rare skill in the field. With the expertise of AMZ Consultancy, we were able to successfully set up our stores on and Amazon, which has resulted in new income strams for us,” says Rodey van Hoeve, Online Marketer at STOX. 


Net consumer sales in online store, including both the Netherlands & Belgium, amounted to 5.5 billion euros


“It is a pleasure to work with STOX and watch marketplaces become a significant revenue channel for them. STOX has a clear goal and ambition and we help them achieve those online,” says Sjors van Hest, Founder of AMZ Consultancy. 

If you are a seller who needs help with account setup or services such as advertising, contact us. We look forward to hearing your questions and needs, so we can do what we do best – help brands thrive on marketplaces! 


*Data collected from Statistica and Digital Commerce 360